Monday, 21 July 2014

The Evolution of Communism

I think most people are aware of the concept of communism as developed by Karl Marx. The idea was that workers revolutions would overthrow national governments, abolish capitalism and everybody would join together to live happily ever after in a  world wide workers paradise. Theory was turned into reality in both Russia and China (and later Cuba) with Lenin then Stalin and Mao Tse Tung (and Castro) in total control with assumed infalibility. Things didn't quite work out according to the plan and the road to utopia was, as always, covered with blood and without an end. The intended workers paradise turned into bloody dictatorships in both Russia and China and we've all read Animal Farm

Maybe we missed the point though. Maybe the abolition of capitalism and a workers paradise was a deliberate illusion and far less important than the overall control aspect

Russia abandoned communism as an idea in the early nineties but China carried on. They fully embraced capitalism and didn't pretend to play lip service to a failed ideology with any workers revolution nonsense. The Chinese communist party retained overall control, the Chinese economy boomed and they widened their sphere of influence by lending money. There was absolutely no prospect of meaningful elections and they showed little interest in the welfare of their citizens. Chinese leaders were still assumed to be infalible but everybody still remembered Tiananmen Square. I'm sure members of the Russian communist party wish they'd been less hasty

At about the same time, the leaders of European Union were behaving in a similar way. An unelected elite based in Brussels and Strasbourg assumed total control and persued capitalist policies with far less success than the Chinese. They massively increased their influence as more and more countries joined and were amalgamated into a homogeneous mass. A perceived terrorist threat, health and safety and human rights obsessions were used as excuses to erode long held freedoms. Some elections took place but the wishes and welfare of the electorate were totally ignored as the eurocommunists increasingly abolished national borders with a Europe wide Federation being the ultimate aim.

Meanwhile, the USA continue to expand the North American Free Trade Agreement throughout the American continent leading to an eventual American Union along the same lines as the European version.
The Russians, with President Putin in total control, embraced capitalism and looked to extend their influence too

Will these power blocks eventually cooperate to form a world government or will they compete to gain the upper hand? Is there a hidden agenda?

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