Sunday 12 December 2010

How a Game of Rugby League Can Teach You to Make Your Online Business a Success

I just watched the state of origin (a rugby league game played each year between NSW and Qld). It was a terrible game for a NSW fan (me lol) but I suddenly realised I was being taught a very valuable lesson.

How I hear you ask? Simple!

Qld absolutely belted NSW, it was a crushing defeat and more importantly for them it sealed the series and in doing so provided Qld with a record 5 series in a row. The series is 3 games each and every year and the series winner must win two.

This in itself is amazing because the two sides are made up of the best of the best of Australian Rugby

League players and there is little between them on paper or in form.

What is even more amazing and where our lesson comes from is this...

The QLD side is basically the same side that lost 3 series in a row to NSW before going on to win 5 in a row as of an hour ago or so. They were called one of the worst sides the state had ever had and most people called for change and had little faith in them. They wanted to quit and start all over again.

The lesson is simple. To achieve greatness in anything you must first of all persist. You must trust and back yourself to be a winner and then you have to go out and train and educate yourself in all the areas of the game that you previously failed in.

You should never give in, believe in yourself, give yourself time to learn, to develop and be prepared to fail before you succeed. Ignore the critics and naysayers who will run you down and have faith in your ability.

Above all you must have "heart" and the courage to remain true to yourself and what you desire.

Qld proved that this is what breeds success. Yes it is just a game of football BUT if you take and apply the same principles to your business then you cannot do anything but succeed.

I was born and bred in NSW and will forever be a NSW fan but I suddenly realized just how great the Qld side had become and how they had done it. I also so clearly how these principles apply to other parts of your life and wanted to share that with anybody out there struggling to WIN.

I know that business is never easy and an online business is a challenging and daunting prospect for most if not all people. However the rewards for success are great.

The "Queenslanders" showed us how to do it NOW it is a matter of applying this knowledge to ourselves and just as they did glorying in the rewards that will come.

Join us at Helping You Help Yourself or check out our training course at

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