
Wednesday 28 December 2011

Death is nothing at all

Death is nothing at all
I have only slipped away into the next room
I am I and you are you
Whatever we were to each other
That we are still
Call me by my old familiar name
Speak to me in the easy way you always used
Put no difference into your tone
Wear no forced air of solemnity or sorrow
Laugh as we always laughed
At the little jokes we always enjoyed together
Play, smile, think of me, pray for me
Let my name be ever the household word that it always was
Let it be spoken without effort
Without the ghost of a shadow in it
Life means all that it ever meant
It is the same as it ever was
There is absolute unbroken continuity
What is death but a negligible accident?
Why should I be out of mind
Because I am out of sight?
I am waiting for you for an interval
Somewhere very near
Just around the corner
All is well.
Nothing is past; nothing is lost
One brief moment and all will be as it was before 
How we shall laugh at the trouble of parting when we meet again!

Death is nothing at all

Canon Henry Scott-Holland


Saturday 5 November 2011

If I knew then what I know now

Almost every night on the news we watch our inexperienced politicians blunder about on the world stage, making our  problems worse and getting us involved in situations that don't concern us.

Watch this clip below and see another well meaning but naive young man interfering in a situation that doesn't concern him

Wednesday 7 September 2011

Take Control of Your Own Destiny

The recent economic difficulties experienced by the EU countries, the USA and others throughout the world have been well documented and will continue. It will see many normal people lose their jobs and possibly their homes through no fault of their own. Meanwhile, the bankers and so called financial experts who caused the problem will continue to live in their large mansions and continue with their affluent lifestyles. The very few individuals who were deemed responsible and sacked were given multi-million pound severance deals. They will not starve.
Over the years the financial sector has, on the whole, been very successful at using our money to make more money. The people involved were shrewd, sophisticated investors who were very good at assessing and managing risk. This strategy can still be successful in the future if it is managed correctly. The economic problems were caused by arrogant individuals who became over confident and took unnecessary risks with our money.
We cannot depend on big companies or the state to look after our welfare anymore. We should all take control of our own destiny, copy these methods and use money to make money. We will all need to increase our financial education and learn how to manage risk but the financial rewards will be much greater than working nine to five.
There is no difference between investing on the stock market and gambling using more traditional outlets such as bookmakers and casinos. You must be a sophisticated investor by assessing and managing the risk and the easiest way to do this is to use one of the many available systems and stick to it rigidly
I recommend the use of on-line casinos because there are so many advantages. You can play when you want from the comfort of your own home. You can practise for free and play for very small stakes. Nobody can see you and you can take as much time as you like.
Every on-line casino will have a bonus system and I strongly recommend that you use it. Deposit $100 and they will (at least) double it. You have made a profit of $100 before you even start.
Practise until you are ready, then when you are play for very small stakes. Remember this is gambling. Do not commit any money that you cannot afford to lose
Every casino has an acceptable daily loss and you should help yourself to some of it. Don't be too greedy though. Do not draw attention to yourself. The casino owners are intelligent people and they will see what you're doing and you might get banned. Share your winnings between a few casinos and in this way remain inconspicuous.
For more money making tips and to download some FREE e-books. CLICK HERE

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Thursday 28 July 2011

Stop Working for Money and Make Money Work for you

In these days of financial uncertainty it is increasingly unlikely that anyone will be able to maintain a "job for life" with the benefits and security that brings. Everybody need to make their own financial arrangements to take care of their future prosperity. We can no longer rely on big business or the government to look after our interests. We must take action ourselves.
It is time for everybody to think about starting up their own business, full time or part time, and there are so many opportunities available. There are many stories of people making money from property. Money can be made on-line by selling goods from a web-site. It is possible to make money from the stock exchange or other investments. Whatever you choose, you must be very careful, you must make sure you have researched the area thoroughly and know your facts. You need to be a sophisticated investor i.e. an investor who assesses and manages risk.
Everybody should try to increase their financial intelligence so they are in a position to let money work for them. I do not distinguish between traditional forms of investment like the stock market and bookmakers, casinos etc. In fact, the current financial difficulties have all been caused by the mistakes and ineptitude of traditional bankers and investors who have shown themselves to be anything but sophisticated.
Bookmakers and casino owners are extremely sophisticated and would never have got themselves (or the world economy) into such a financial mess.
Consider the UK National Lottery (or Lotto) which is one of the most popular lotteries in the world and it involves 6 numbers, plus a bonus, being drawn at random. You can win £10 for matching any 3 numbers and the odds for this are about 57 to 1. The odds are about 1000 to 1 to get 4 numbers right, 56000 to 1 to get 5 numbers right, 2.3 million to 1 to get 5 numbers plus the bonus and 14 million to 1 to get all 6 numbers for the jackpot.
A sophisticated investor would not play the UK National Lottery to make money because the odds are too great. It would be investment based upon hope and this amounts to wishful thinking. However 28% of the money generated by the lottery goes to so called "good causes." I very much recommend that everybody supports "good causes" because there is more to life than money and success should not be defined in purely financial terms.
Gambling is based on the law of averages and bookmakers use statistical methods to gain an advantage. A sophisticated investor can do the same by using and sticking to a system. There are many casino/betting systems available. They are usually based upon simple statistics and can be used to assess, quantify and manage risk. Be very careful though. Gambling is not for the unemployed and nobody should risk money they cannot afford to lose.
For more money making tips and to download some FREE e-books. CLICK HERE

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Saturday 28 May 2011

Work Smart not Hard

Every employee in the world is aware of an often stated but simple fact.

In any line of business you will be paid the lowest possible amount that your employer can get away with.

It is true now always has been.

There are very few strong unions around these days to defend your interests and you now have to wait two years before receiving the employment protection you used to get after six months. If you don't co-operate there are many, many others waiting to replace you, usually for less money. If you protest, you can forget the promotion.

Many people opt for security rather than a good wage especially in difficult economic times. You can stay where you are and defend your record at your annual review and there is nothing wrong with that

If you want more money, you will have to build your CV and start looking around. You will probably have to swallow your pride, volunteer for projects, take extra responsibility, and make suggestions. However, think about the ratio of senior managers to other staff at your place, it could be anywhere up to 1:200. Assuming you have the education, background, ability, contacts and good luck, these are your odds of making that kind of money. How long are you prepared to wait though? By the time you start making decent money you're too old to enjoy it. You need the cash now to raise a family, build a home, go on holiday etc

If anybody says that this point of view is cynical and negative. Be very careful. They are trying to exploit you!

You are unlikely to make good money working for someone else.

This is another simple fact, which is often denied for the same of convenience. We all need to face up this fact as soon as possible.

Have you ever thought working for yourself or starting up your own business. Have you learnt any skills from your employer that you can apply elsewhere? Are there any ideas that would work but which they have refused implement? Can you do what your employer does cheaper?

Many people have made money by investing in property. What about an on-line, website based business? Some people make excellent profits from investments. I personally can't distinguish between the stock market and traditional bookmakers, casinos etc. Either way you must be a sophisticated investor and use a system.

Talk to your friends. Keep your eyes and ears open. Maybe you can join together and start something? Think about your interests and what you already know.

Keep these questions in mind and ideas will come.

For more business building tips and to download some FREE e-books. Click Here

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Friday 8 April 2011

Is Manufacturing a Wealth Producing Sector of the Economy

Manufacturing sector is considered one of the largest wealth producing sectors of an economy. The others being agriculture and mining. In contrast service sector is famous as the wealth consuming sector of the economy because they depend upon the other wealth producing sectors for their operation and growth. It means that manufacturing hold a great importance as a wealth producing sector in the economy of any country. It is the process in which all the resources are utilized efficiently to convert raw materials in to the value added finished goods by physical or mechanical efforts. Sometimes, these final products are used for the manufacturing of other items or they are sold to the wholesalers who in turn sell them to the retailers from where they reach the ultimate consumers.

Manufacturing sector of an economy bears huge significance as mostly it is operated on large scale and it produces wealth in large quantities. A lot of manufacturers are engaged in producing necessary or luxury products to fulfill peoples need. They include food, clothing, automobiles, electronics, accessories etc. These items are very common and are used by the people in their daily lives.

The sale of such items in bulk renders huge revenue to the wholesale manufacturers who are also obliged to pay the taxes on their produce. Increase in volume of production increases the income of the economy by charging more taxes from the suppliers or manufacturers of the products. So, wealth of an economy grows with the increase in productivity.

Manufacturing on large scale reduces the cost of production for the manufacturers and thus brings the economies of scale. After satisfying the needs of the domestic nation, the goods manufactured in bulk quantities are exported abroad to sell at higher rates. This again produces large wealth to the country by earning foreign exchange in big amounts.

A high investment in the manufacturing sector brings innovation in the production methods by the use of latest technologies. This helps to earn maximum output from the least input with minimal amount of waste. This brings variety of new products with higher qualities. When people use high quality consumer products, their standards of living begin to flourish. Manufacturing sector provides employment opportunities to the people and increases the per capita income of individuals. This increase in per capita income results in an increase in overall wealth of an economy.

So, thriving manufacturing sector derives the engine of any country's economy by producing wealth and saving its economy from entering into the vicious circles of poverty.

William King is the director of Wholesale Manufacturers. He has 18 years of experience in the marketing and trading industries and has been helping retailers and startups with their product sourcing, promotion, marketing and supply chain requirements.

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Thursday 6 January 2011

Investment Trends for Alternative Energy Funds

With the ongoing trend for more sustainable and environment-friendly energy sources, around $155 billion was invested last year in alternative energy funds. This fund does not even include large hydro, proving that the cause is getting wider and wider as time passes.

The awareness for more alternative energy sources has spurred even the large companies and powerful investors to invest their money to support the cause. This year, this is even expected to go higher. Among the alternative energy funds, $13.5 billion were given to companies who are developing new technologies to have more sustainable energy resources. Around $117 billion was invested in projects focusing on renewable energy sources such as wind, biofuel, solar and geothermal.

This increase in alternative energy funds is four times higher than that of 2004. Even as the global economic crisis loomed over most companies, there was still a high turnout in terms of alternative energy funds.

Different countries are showing large support in this cause for more sustainable energy resources, providing more awareness and support coming in from around the world. Emerging economies such as Brazil and China contributed to the five percent increase in the total amount of funds dedicated to alternative funds.

According to UN undersecretary general and the executive director of the United Nations Environment Programme Achim Steiner, the economic crisis has definitely affected the campaign for clean energy. This is most especially true in the United States, where investments decreased by 2 percent. However, the efforts are still just as overwhelming, especially now that sustainable energy is becoming mainstream.

To be noted are the efforts of China, which is currently the second largest market in wind energy. This is in terms of new capacity, as well as photovoltaic manufacturing. Geothermal energy has been getting more and more utilized, especially in countries such as Kenya, Japan and Australia.

Even developing countries such as Chile, Brazil, the Philippines and Peru have been bringing in efforts to introduce policies and laws which would encourage energy conservation and more environment-friendly ways of living and energy-production. These countries have taken note of alternative energy funds, and have been seeing mobilization even in non-government organizations.

Among all the energy resources, wind was able to attract the largest amount in alternative energy funds. However, solar energy had the largest increase in terms of market share, while biofuel energy dipped a little bit by 9 percent.

One of the responses of the countries to the economic crisis is creating stimulus packages that have specific provisions for energy efficiency, boosting renewable energy sources. These new deals can significantly contribute to the efforts of having cleaner energy. These alternative energy funds would most certainly help support the market for cleaner energy.

Because of these efforts, it is assumed that prices of green energy tools would also fall down. Solar modules, for instance, is expected to soon fall by 43 percent in terms of price. This is because the supply bottleneck have been easing down, allowing for more suppliers to be able to produce according to the demands of the countries. The drive for sustainable energy has also been increasing alternative energy funds even for the companies producing them.

This proves that the private sector is soon catching up to the trend. Investments were also seen in bottleneck last year, but this year, they are expected to catch up and even increase significantly. Investments for sustainable energy are also one of the biggest stimulus packages in governments around the world. Efforts have been noted and reported in different occasion. In Asia, China remains to be the giant even in alternative energy funds.

There is a strong message that is beyond all of these alternative energy funds coming in from around the world. Banks are encouraged to increase their lending to the energy sector, tax exemptions or deductions are being asked for renewable energy funds, and more efforts have been on the way to get the alternative energy funds and investments flowing.

The plans that are backed up by alternative energy funds are scattered among short-term, medium-term and long-term goals. As long as the different governments of countries around the world continue to support the cause, we will soon be living in a more sustainable earth.

If you're interested in alternative energy funds, please visit us at for further information.

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